Thursday, July 18, 2013

Designer Daniela Baquerizo

As a (soon to be) graduate of Parsons The New School for Design, I am constantly surrounded by extremely talented and creative individuals. I love to meet students and graduates of the fashion program, and at the end of the year I am hired by a handful of them to photograph their thesis collections.

I met Daniela through another designer who's lookbook I had shot. We got along well at our meeting, Daniela came very prepared and with a clear vision of what she wanted even before the shoot date. After a few emails, we scheduled a date for the shoot. We used Theresa from Q Models and makeup and hair was done by the talented and professional Laura Kaululaau.

Daniela wanted a lookbook shoot as well as some editorial shots for her portfolio. For her lookbook she wanted her pieces against a white backdrop. For her editorial, she wanted a whimsical and light feeling, but juxtaposed against graphic elements. Naturally I thought of Tim Walker and Daniela pulled inspiration form Paolo Reversi. This is how it came out:

I am very pleased with how the shoot came together. This is a solid example of how, when trust is placed in a team, a shoot can reach its full potential. Daniela knew what she wanted, gave us imagery and descriptions of how she wanted the shoot to go, then left us to do what we were hired to do. I really appreciated this action because it showed that she trusted us. If you hire someone, you need to trust that they have your best intentions, OR DON'T HIRE THEM!

As an insider to the fashion industry, I can say the most important skill to hone is vision. And this applies to so many aspects of being a creative. We as a team had a vision, and executed it. Not to mention this was my first shoot in my NEW STUDIO so I was extra psyched. Here are some fun behind the scenes photos as well!

                                                            Me instructing Theresa
                                                    Two great ladies Daniela and Laura!
                                                      On the rooftop outside my studio

                                                                    Inside my studio
                             Sunset over the skyline and me shooting from the fire escape :)
                                               This is how I got the first shot

Follow me @spencerkohn on Instagram and Twitter

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